“Smith Wigglesworth: Aflame for God”
Before ascending, Christ told His disciples, “You shall receive power when the Holy Ghost comes upon you, and you shall be witnesses unto Me.” On Pentecost, He sent the power, and the subsequent Acts of the Apostles narrates the testimony of these Spirit-filled disciples, with the Lord working through them and confirming the word with signs.
The Lord Jesus remains unchanged today. The anointing persists, the Pentecostal experience endures, and similar results are expected as described in Luke’s account of the early church days.
John the Baptist prophesied about Jesus, saying, “He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire.” God’s ministers are to be flames of fire—constant, perpetual, and continually burning. We are called to have a vibrant faith in God, allowing His power to flow through us, energizing our entire lives.
When the Holy Ghost comes, it enables us to manifest Jesus Christ’s glory, revealing Him as the healer today, just as in ancient times. The Baptism in the Spirit empowers us to preach with the same authority as the early disciples, through the Holy Ghost’s power and the manifestation of spiritual gifts.
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While traveling from Egypt to Italy, I experienced God’s presence on the ship. When a man collapsed, I saw it as an opportunity for God’s power to manifest. I rebuked the devil in Jesus’ name, and to everyone’s astonishment, the man stood up, feeling an unprecedented sensation. We have authority over the devil’s power, and we should live in a constant awareness of this.
Christ, the express image of God, came to transform our human weaknesses into divine likeness. Through His might, we can not only overcome but rejoice as more than conquerors. The Baptism in the Holy Spirit empowers us to continue Christ’s ministry, equipped with the same power He had during His earthly days. God intends for us to lack nothing in spiritual gifts, including healing and miracles, as we embrace the gifts bestowed by the Spirit.
The world needs us to be burning and shining lights, reflecting the glory of Christ. A cold, indifferent experience won’t achieve this; we must be flames of fire. Ministers of God need to be a burning fire, sharing the abundant life and power of Jesus Christ wherever they go.
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In Ceylon, facing challenges in touching people’s lives, we organized early morning meetings for specific needs. The sight of mothers with babies and elderly individuals seeking healing was inspiring. To impact people’s lives, we need more than smoke; we need to be a burning fire for God. In those days, thousands gathered, with many crying for mercy. The power of God was tangible, healing and transforming lives.
A flame of fire can accomplish anything. Things change in the fire. Pentecost was evident, with people trying to touch me, impressed by the power of God. Their faith, akin to those in Jerusalem who believed in Peter’s shadow, resulted in healing.
In a matter of minutes, you can receive something that will stay with you into eternity. What do you desire? Nothing is too hard for God. He sees and knows everything about you, and He can satisfy your soul, providing a wellspring of eternal blessings that will carry you through.”
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